We finally reached the end of our family "30 days without fried food/eat well" challenge. I have to give props to my son, who demonstrated incredible willpower over the time period. The hardest time for him was probably the first weekend when we went to a restaurant and all the tables around us seemed to be eating french fries. He really struggled that day, having an actual visceral reaction to the temptation just out of his reach.
In contrast, last weekend, when we were nearing the end of the "cleanse," french fries were brought to our table at a restaurant even though we had told the waitress repeatedly that we did not want fries. Amazingly, my son allowed us to send them away without any noticeable reaction. What a difference 30 days make!
My son is currently away on a 3-day class camping trip and has requested chicken tenders and fries for the night he returns. I am happy to let him have this as a reward, but am now tasked with figuring out how to help him achieve balance in his diet going forward. One plan is to make sure the habits we established during our 30 day cleanse will continue. These are:
- No sugary drinks including fruit juices (with the exception of fruit and veggie smoothies).
- No snacking after 7:30pm during the week
- A fruit or vegetable with every meal
- Protein for snacks as much as possible
No matter what happens, my son has learned that he can have power over food rather than food having power over him. I would think it is never too early to learn a lesson like that.
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